I invented blogging. I'm not sure how many people out there can really say that, but I can. I also invented pantyhose and bifocals.
I just watched Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner at this
link. I actually found finding that link a tad difficult because some sites have taken down the video because of "copyright" issues. Is it still cool to put things in "quotes"? Or is that passe? How do you type accents in blogger? I invented this thing and can't even figure out how to use it.
Let me say a few things about this blog. I have no desire to tell you anything about my life or the world. I have nothing clever or cute to add to the millions of blathing dribblers on the internet. I don't even want to reread this in the future to get a sense of what I was thinking about when I wrote this. Nor do I seek attention or notoriety. I happen to like the feeling of the little plastic buttons under my fingers and that is the only reason why I am doing this. I also hope to link to other blogs that are infrequently updated and generally boring. I will do that as soon as I figure out how this works.